Cruising News

  • 12 Aug 2022 8:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CYC’s annual Commodore Gibson race/cruise to Port Ludlow took place on August 6, with the follow on Gibson race back to Shilshole the next day.  Seven CYC boats (Those Guys, Charlotte, Gratitude, Wind Dancer, Altair, Comet, and Second Sun) sailed in the best conditions we’ve seen in years.  There was a nice north breeze both days, with high temperatures in the 80s – it just doesn’t get better.

    CG is a pursuit race with the slowest handicap boat starting first, and subsequent boats starting behind by the amount of time they owe the first starter.  Since you get your entire handicap time on the front end, the faster boats are catching up to the early starters through the entire race.  So in theory, every boat would arrive at the finish line at the same time. 

    Saturday featured zero breeze at Meadow Point at the appointed 9:00am start time, so the fleet motored to Apple Tree Point (just north of Kingston) to a backup start line.  A light northerly had filled in, so we were off and sailing.   As the breeze built to 10 plus, it quickly became apparent that the J35 Those Guys (Jenny Heins and Tim Huse plus friends) was the boat to beat, which no one did.  They were first to finish, followed by Charlotte (Quest 30 – Jane and Al Johnson), Altair (Sceptre 41 – Suzette Connolly and Paul Baker plus friends), Gratitude (Hanse 415 – Karen and David Barnes), Wind Dancer (Tartan 3800 – Chris McMuldroch and friends), Comet (Jeanneau SO36 – Monica Howell and friends), and Second Sun (Young Sun 43 – Kate and Andy Bereson and kids).

    After finishing at Foulweather Bluff, the boats sailed / motored to Port Ludlow, and were able to appreciate what a gorgeous day it was, take in Mt Rainier and Mt Baker in their snow-capped glory, and see how bare the Olympics are now after a string of ninety-degree days melted most of their snow.

    Even though it was a lovely day and evening, Karen and David Barnes treated the fleet to Dark and Stormies on Gratitude and the adjoining dock area.  That was followed by a bring-your-own dinner under the marina tent, a shared dessert table, and finally some fiddle, mandolin, and guitar tunes.

    Sunday’s return race to Shilshole (the Gibson race) had excellent breeze to start, and it carried the boats all the way to the finish at Meadow Point.  A favorable tide assisted the entire way, and most boats sailed the 17.75 miles in 2.5 to 3.5 hours.  As the highest handicapped boat, Second Sun was first to start, and led most of the way until Altair and then Charlotte caught them between Edmonds and the Highlands.  The finish was remarkably tight with Charlotte finishing first, Altair 2 minutes behind, then Second Sun a few minutes further back.  They were followed in close order by Those Guys, Gratitude, Wind Dancer, and Comet.  And if there was an award for coolest new spinnaker, Altair would win hands down for their bright red asym with a very cool horse graphic on it.

    This year’s Commodore Gibson was one for the ages.  You need to get a piece of the fun at next year’s event. 

  • 13 Jun 2022 2:10 PM | Anonymous member

    Jenny (the trip leader) organized the weekend for us CYC cruisers, as she has for previous years, but then, concerned about possible COVID symptoms, she had to bow out at the last minute. What was originally expected to be an 8 boat, 30 person joint CYC/STYC raft-up was whittled down by a variety of challenges (not just COVID) to 3 boats/6 people and another 7 or so people driving in. Since this was a joint cruise, Kristina Southard from STYC was able to keep the cat herd together in Mystery Bay!  Thank you to Kristina for all the organizing work and for driving up and keeping all together for our activities!

    What follows is joint report from Derek (Outlaw) and Chris (Wind Dancer). Thanks for sending your notes fellas!

    SATURDAY: Wind Dancer (Chris and Jennifer) and Outlaw (Cindy and Derek) left their home moorage Saturday morning and Pert (Scott) was in Port Ludlow already. There was little wind in the morning and soon the tide turned against us, so we motored all the way in the occasional drizzle. Wind Dancer crew were a little perplexed that the Kilisut Harbor channel markers seemed to out of sync. on the chart plotter compared to when they arrived at them visually on both entering and leaving the “S” curves.  Also, they were comparing Navionics on our phone compared to Navionics on their chart plotter, and the depths did not agree, so wonder if there is setting on the phone that made some tide adjustment???

    Wind Dancer got to Mystery Bay first and set the anchor, joined an hour or so later by Outlaw. Scott was sailing Pert in the breeze that came up in the afternoon, and joined us making a 3 boat raft swinging on a single anchor. Around 6 the Westerly piped up to a "moderate breeze", which subsided around midnight. We enjoyed a potluck on board Wind Dancer. 

    SUNDAY: In the morning we went ashore where we discovered that the State Parks now consider dinghies to be "vessels" and hence eligible for the mooring fee at the dock.  To add insult to injury, the fee is by boat length, but has a minimum of $15 even if your boat is only 8 feet.

    On shore we were met by Kristina from the Sloop Tavern YC and a number of Sloop Tavern people who came in cars, as well as by John and Susan from CYC driving in from Port Townsend. The organized activities for the day started with a visit to the Goat Farm. The girl who usually gives the tour was visiting Leavenworth so her dad gave the tour. It turns out running a goat dairy is more complicated than you might think. Others have done this tour before, but it was my first time and I found it pretty interesting. The tour ended with tasting (and purchasing) some of the cheese and yogurt hand made by owner Rachael.

    Next up was the tractor parade, which is always fun, and this year had about 7 tractors of all sorts and sizes. Then we got in the cars and went to the Marrowstone Island Winery, where we all bought bottles of wine and took them out to the big firepit where Kristina broke out appetizers for everyone. The owner James came out and gave a personal description of each of the wines. It was cool at the winery, but the fire kept us warm and it was quite lovely.

    Later in the day it started to rain, so we cancelled the dinghy race and evening potluck cookout at the park, and the mariners returned to the shelter of their boats while the car people dispersed to the 4 winds. Another potluck on Wind Dancer, and another late day Westerly, not as strong as the previous evening, and calming by midnight.

    MONDAY: Because of the falling tide (heading to -1.6 at 1130) the boats left Mystery Bay early. Wind Dancer was pleased to note that the 44 lb Vulcan anchor with 90 feet of chain held our three boat raft for 2 nights with a couple of 180 swing changes, and two evenings of 14 knot winds.  It came up with a lot of mud.  I think about 6 feet of chain was also buried, as it also had a ton of mud on it!

    Wind Dancer followed a trimaran sailboat out from Fort Flagler on Monday. They were bicycle pedaling from the trampolines doing 3 knots. Wind Dancer headed to Port Townsend, Outlaw took the Admiralty Inlet route to Seattle, and Pert went through the canal on the way back to Everett. Another no-wind day, but it was possible to find current relief some of the time along the shores.  It was pretty cool still, but at least no more rain.

    Wind Dancer anchored between the ferry landing and the wooden boat center at Port Townsend for the morning on Monday – it was very calm.  So, we had a chance to try out our new dinghy.  This is our first RIB, and it rode like a Cadillac, but took lots more throttle to plane than our 1990 Avon Sport boat with wood floors! We had a nice lunch in the Marina Café at Point Hudson.  In the afternoon we brought the boat into the Point Hudson marina.  We walked through town, and also up on top of the bluffs.  Our friend Leroy has his Grand Banks in the Co-op boat yard at the other end of town, so he came by, and we all had take-out fish and chips in the cockpit with some nice late afternoon sunshine warming us.

    During the afternoon Monday some of the Swiftsure boats came through, including the winner “Korina Korina”, as well as “Cherokee”, and “Beltane”(Sydney’s ride).

    TUESDAY: Tuesday morning Jennifer walked the beach out to Point Wilson. Then about 10:30 we left the marina with Jennifer conning the channel that was only 8 feet deep with the coming -1.7 foot tide!  The channel bottom sand was dry against the West breakwater pilings! After that we motor sailed in the sunshine against a strong ebb, and with a 15 knot Northerly pushing us South down Admiralty Inlet. We got back to Shilshole about 4 PM.


    OTHER NOTES: Wind Dancer discovered that with the fridge, chart plotter, and now the furnace running all night the decade old AGM batteries get run down in just 24 hours at anchor!  Time to start rationing battery power, and think about new batteries for the future.  The diesel furnace was really nice to warm us up, but it does take power for the various fans, and ignition and water pump.  Scott has a Firefly battery on “Pert”, but these innovative high energy density carbon – foam batteries are no longer available, as the company went bankrupt when they did not get any more government startup funding.  Too bad!


    Jennifer has been scheming additional new CYC weekend cruise destinations to have a 2 year rotation, instead of the same ones each year.

  • 16 May 2022 10:51 PM | Anonymous member

    It was warm and sunny, with just the right amount of breeze, and downwind both days.  Dinner was delightful.  This probably happened on some Langley cruises in years past.  And we will probably have those conditions on a future Langley cruise, maybe even next year, so you should save the date and plan to attend next year’s edition.

    However, that wasn’t exactly what happened this year.  Three CYC yachts (Mistral, Outlaw, and Wind Dancer), crewed by intrepid CYC yachts persons, completed the epic journey from Shilshole to Langley (inside of Whidbey Island) this year.  Saturday started out as a downwind romp in a very brisk southerly.  Some of us were even treated to a view of the US aircraft carrier Nimitz heading out to sea. 

    Reality checked in at Edmonds where we encountered the convergent zone, featuring (initially) strong north breeze, followed by serious rain and colder air.  At this point, the crew of Charlotte made the decision to go home, watch the final episode of Ozark, and snuggle with the cat.  Wind Dancer and Outlaw continued on to Langley.  Wind Dancer proved the value of having an autopilot and a very large dodger that everyone could sit under, while steering with the autopilot.  Mistral had come up on Friday, so the crews of the three boats took a short walking tour of beautiful Langley, (the rain had stopped by this point), then all had a marvelous dinner at Primo Bistro, staying there and talking until closing. 

    Sunday came with lots of sunshine in Langley as various crews went up into town for coffee or lunch.  Wind Dancer had the luxury of pancakes and blackberries for breakfast on board.  Breeze was minimal, so Sunday finished out with a pleasant motor back to Shilshole.  All’s well that ends well.

    Be sure to check out the Cruising tab on the CYC website and sign up for some cruising fun this summer and fall.

  • 6 Dec 2021 8:25 AM | Anonymous member

    It certainly seemed like a drizzly cold day for the Kingston Tree Lighting, dinghy parade, and dinner at the Ale House.  But is there anything else you’d rather be doing other than say, sailing to a beach in the tropics?

    Some of the group crossed over on the 3:15 ferry to Kingston.   We first saw the Kingston Cove Yacht Club sing with the assistance of Elvis Pressley.  Then Elvis performed.  He has improved since last time!  He has grown a bit older, and actually made some jokes in his own voice – like being too old for some of the antics.  He also sang a couple of non-Elvis songs which was refreshing to hear – he is a good singer. Following hot drinks from vendors in the park, and free shortbread cookies,  Santa arrived by flashing lights fire truck, and helped count down to the illumination of the garden lights.  I heard something about a month or two to set them all up, including a Star Wars spaceship, sea serpent, light house, seagulls, and lots of other creatures and flowers.  Soon after there was another count down for the KCYC boats to turn on their holiday lights at the guest dock.  Then 8 decorated and illuminated dinghies escorted Santa around the harbor.  By the time Santa arrived, a crowd had developed in the park to await the tree lighting.  With a last cruiser arriving by ferry, and others leaving back for Edmonds, we headed off to dinner at the Ale House, where we enjoyed a really nice dinner.  Afterwards,  Jerry - CYC cruiser, and also Vice Commodore of KCYC with Ronda joined us to say hello and chat.  There were no puzzles on the ferry, still a victim of the pandemic, maybe next year?

    Put the Kingston Tree Lighting Ferry Cruise on your list for next year, just make a note to wear your thermals, and rain gear for the outside events, and then enjoy dinner together in town.

    Happy Holidays!

    Chris McMuldroch


  • 14 Oct 2021 2:53 PM | Anonymous member

    By: Jack Connick, trip leader

    Four CYC boats braved the weather forecasts on October 9 and 10th to gather in Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island at the Waterfront Park public dock.

    Maggie May decided to leave on Friday while the sun was out and enjoyed a quiet anchorage in Blakely Harbor for the night. Wind Dancer, Outlaw and Comet came over during the day on Saturday and had rollicking sails with winds gusting close to 20 knots. Comet had a large crew of five women with three from the MIT sailing club enjoying their first ride on a large boat.

    The dock and town were busy for a cool October weekend, but spots were found for all the boats directly on the dock. Early in the evening we gathered for a quick drink on Wind Dancer before gathering the 11 (fully vaccinated) group together to repair to the San Carlos restaurant for a Mexican dinner. We were given a room to ourselves and everyone enjoyed the food, company and conversation with their fellow sailors.

    After a blustery, wet night, the front passed through and the boats left by mid-day in near zero winds. Timing is everything this time of year on Puget Sound, and most got back to Shilshole just before the next rain front came through.

  • 13 Jul 2021 2:31 PM | Anonymous member

    The July 3-4 CYC cruise traveled to Poulsbo where Outlaw and Wind Dancer anchored and rafted in the late afternoon on Saturday.  While the official CYC raft up was small, there were many CYC boats, including Tula, Mara, Altair, Raven, and others in the harbor enjoying the warm summer evening.  Derek Storm and Cindy Gossett on Outlaw enjoyed happy hour and lovely conversation with Chris McMuldroch and Jennifer Lathrop on Wind Dancer.   We were visited by David Barnes from Gratitude and Joyce and Bret Phillips from Joyride.   After dinner, we relaxed and watched private fireworks displays. We were treated to a beautiful 360 degree show with some homes shooting fireworks that were just about as good as the usual big barge display, but just maybe not as high.  This was the first time we can remember watching fireworks in shorts and T-shirts.  The weather was just perfect. 

    Sunday morning Outlaw set sail planning to sail around Bainbridge Island.  Wind Dancer left soon afterwards headed to Langley on their way north for a two week cruise in the San Juan Islands.  Outlaw enjoyed a lovely beat through Port Orchard (the passage west of BI) toward Rich Passage in a nice southerly.  After we passed Point Glover we saw an eastbound ferry approaching.  As the eastbound ferry was passing us, we saw the west bound ferry entering the passage.  So we circled around outside the channel in the NE corner, watching the two ferries pass each other.  Something we never expected to see!

    Once the coast was clear we resumed our beat to the south anticipating a nice reach along the south shore of Bainbridge Island and then a run up to Port Madison.  However as we got to Bainbridge Reef, the wind shifted to the east and then back to the southeast and decreased in intensity.  So we dropped the sails and entered Blakely Harbor.

    The harbor was quite full of anchored boats but there was room for one more.  After a quiet night in Blakely Harbor we weighed anchor heading to Shilshole with a light south wind.  On the way out of the harbor we saw a deer swimming from the south shore across the harbor toward the north shore.  The second sight on the cruise we have never expected to see! By the time we got to Wing Point the wind came up so Outlaw set sail and returned to Shilshole.

  • 28 Jun 2021 8:24 AM | Anonymous member

    9 boats cruised to Port Orchard this weekend on an apparently record breaking temperature weekend! There temperatures hovered at plus or minus 100.   4 boats left Shilshole and Elliott Bay at 11 AM Saturday for a gentle sail downwind towards Restoration Point, and then the turn into Rich Passage at the South end of Bainbridge Island.  Around Blake Island we saw 4 freighters anchored waiting for slips to unload cargo.  Joyride led, Wind Dancer, Jubilado, and Sea Geek through the passage, while Serendipity came through an hour later, and Nancy Louise sailed across later in the afternoon after waiting a couple of hours to come out the Ballard Locks.

    With a gentle breeze cooling Port Orchard, we met up with Maggie May, Amelia, and Anakena at the guest dock where we mingled, and met friends we hadn’t seen since 2019 - prior to the pandemic.   Some crews, went ashore to find an air conditioned pub, and an appreciated cool ice cream shop.  Instead of tramping up to the hot shore for a potluck, we enjoyed hors d-oeuvres in each other cockpits.  Later, tired, we all slept with hatches open until the cool morning arrived.

    Sunday the 20 of us gathered under the shade of the picnic shelter of the party float for breakfast of eggs, cobbler, bread, and other fun food.  As the temperature rose to about 80 degrees, we began our departures for home.  Maggie May headed for a week in South Sound, while Anakena provisioned for a month in the San Juan Islands.  Boats headed for Seattle, were swept out by a 4 knot ebb current through Rich Passage.  As we headed out into Puget Sound we were greeted with a really strong Northerly thermal of up to 25 knots!  On hearing this our commodore thought we might have had a ripping good sail back up the sound, but on Wind Dancer we were pretty tired, and just enjoyed the shade of the bimini, and the nice ebb tide with the occasional spray over the bow as we motored home.

    Shilshole was about 90 degrees, and at home away from the water, it was at least 10 degrees warmer.  Two boats were air conditioned, but we were all lucky to feel the breeze come through the hatches both days at Port Orchard.  I never thought it before, but we may add a ‘how to stay cool cruising in Puget Sound – air conditioning, fans, hatches and wind scoops’ topic to our list of cruising topics!

    This was our 8th weekend cruise of the year.  Each one has been enjoyable.  Our next cruise will be for a low key fireworks July 3rd anchored in Poulsbo, after which more of us head off for summer cruises, until we return for the Commodore and Gibson races / cruise to Port Ludlow in August.  Our July and August Second Thursday cruising socials will be on Zoom, maybe we will have a clubhouse event as well, but we expect to return to clubhouse pot lucks in September.

    Thank you everyone for a fun flotilla sail out, and very enjoyable relaxing weekend.

    Stay cool this week, and Happy cruising!

    Chris and Jennifer

    Wind Dancer

  • 17 Jun 2021 12:33 PM | Anonymous member

    Memorial Day Mystery Bay Cruise

    We had a nice showing for the 2021 Mystery Bay Cruise. This year we also did a fair amount of pre-planning with Puget Sound Sailing Club. In all we had 9 CYC boats, 6 PSCC boats and 2 that were members of both. Almost all attendees were fully vaccinated! 

    Many of the PSCC boats and a couple of ours traveled northbound on Friday to Port Ludlow for a leisurely overnight. High tides were very early morning and late evening, making for a limited window of exiting and entering Kilisut Harbor – the access to Mystery Bay. 

    Several CYC boats attempted a coordinated departure from Meadow Point on Saturday morning, but some of us straggled out and missed the 10AM rendezvous. Nevertheless, we sailed upwind in a nice breeze but against a strong flood for 2-4 hours (depending on the boat) before switching on the iron sail. While under wind power, 2 whale-watching boats were spotted just north of Edmonds which was a dead giveaway for a pod of Orcas that were frolicking nearby. Sure enough, they put on quite a show for about ½ hr before we sailed out of view. 

    Part of the flotilla went west through the Port Townsend Ship Canal while others took to the east side of Marrowstone. The westerly boats had a 4 knot flood pushing against them, so it was slow going, but that was OK, because there had been a minus tide shortly before, and it was very shallow. They had to be really careful following the channel. Maggie May noted the channel seemed have shifted a bit from the charted position. Still, the westerly boats arrived sooner to the top end of Marrowstone Island, but then chose to hole up around Port Townsend while waiting for the tide to rise to traverse the shallow and winding route into the harbor. 

    There was a strong side current pushing and pulling boats as they entered the bending and narrow channels of the harbor, and at least a couple of newbies fell into the wrong path briefly. The rising tide was a relief and got them back on course quickly. New members aboard Pert were the first to arrive at Mystery Bay around 3 pm. By 7 pm, all boats had arrived and most rafted up in 3 anchored rafts: a large CYC raft of 8, a smaller PSCC raft of 6, a 2 boat CYC raft, and ‘Pert’ found a mooring ball near the park. The main CYC raft anchored alternating bow to stern, with 3 anchors to the East and 3 anchors to the West to make a very stable raft.  Describing the configuration, and suggesting how to set the anchor, back in, and throw a mooring line to the raft was really challenging on the VHF!  We were not so practiced at this kind of maneuvering.  Some boats discovered unexpected anchor winch issues, and some had backing upwind while anchoring issues.  None of us have much practice doing this stuff so it is tough for everyone!  However, lots of neutral gears, with slow speeds, along with some roving fenders, with lots of volunteer hands ultimately led to success. Even the most professionally operated boat set the anchor twice, and took plenty of time coming alongside the raft very gently. Paya gave us an inspiring demonstration of boat handling!  With vaccines under our belts, many were able to do some boat hopping and socializing before dark.

    Sunday morning we met at the park to walk over to the Mystery Bay Goat Farm tour.  This is about the 8th time CYC has scheduled a visit to the farm, and this time we were joined by a handful of PSSC sailors, making us quite a large group.  The family’s eldest daughter, now 12, has lead a portion of the tour since she was about 7. It was fun to see her, and now her younger brother proudly explaining the workings of the farm. There were about eight 2 month old goats that were adorable endured a lot of petting and attention! Chris spotted a Halberg Rassey sailboat in a neighboring field, and had to ask why it was there!  The owner had moved on to a new boat or other pastimes and was keeping it as more of a memento than anything else was the story. OK, that was not supposed to be part of the tour.  Several of us bought cheeses and yogurt and other random items from the kids at the farm.   

    The tractor parade almost didn’t happen…  The goat farm had heard that it was happening which they passed on to us, but the rest of town hadn’t gotten the memo! One neighbor had just learned about it the night before and showed up with a tractor that she had lovingly decorated with flowers, another noticed our group of 20 standing around and ran up to get their hand crank tractor, and the goat farm brought out theirs. So there were 3 tractors in the parade - a ghost of previous years…  And the goat farm’s bucket loader gave all the kids (and Andy) a ride high up in the air. We clapped and hollered for the show they put on for us! Thank you Racheal, Scott, Cora, and Quint for welcoming us to Nordland. We look forward to the reopening of the store, and the return of the ‘big’ tractor parade we always enjoy. If you are so moved, the Nordland Store (that normally organizes the parade) is doing a gofundme fundraiser to help get the store back up and running. HERE IS THE LINK.

    At 5 PM we had a dinghy & kayak race from the park dock around the PSCC raft, and back. The race was officiated by Steve and Elsie from PSSC and was a lot longer than it seemed for those of us furiously rowing around the course. Scott & Kristen took the prize for the paddles class in their double kayak. One of theirs took the prize for the rowing class, moving almost as fast as the last paddler, and John and Sue got the award for persistence.  Much fun, and no protests!  

    After the race, we shared happy hour at the park dock where PSCC and CYC crews socialized an some ate dinner.  Finally, a few folks gathered for an evening fire in the picnic area.   

    To avoid the worst of the 4 knot ebb tide in Admiralty Inlet, we decided to break up the big raft at 7:15 AM Sunday morning.  In beautiful sunshine we got this started on time, but ran into some snags.  Literally anchor snags!  Wind Dancer pulled up Serendipity’s chain, and did Second Sun grapple Water Music’s chain too ? So we departed a bit later than planned…  But we had an impressive chain of boats winding out through the channel into Port Townsend Bay!  It was fun to have all the boats in a kind of impromptu yacht club commodore sail-pass formation!

    Wind Dancer followed Jubilado across Admiralty Inlet to Whidbey Island at Bush Point to avoid the heavier current in the center and West side of the channel.  The scenery was new to us, and fun to see.  After Double Bluff we headed across to the Kitsap Peninsula side South of Foul Weather Bluff to follow the 50 and 30 foot beach contours - again avoiding the main current. We arrived in Shilshole about 3 PM to find several of the boats waiting turns at the pump outs.  This was not exactly supposed to be one of the planned rendezvous activities, but stuff happens.

    Cruise Leader

    Jenny Heins

    s/v Those Guys

  • 16 Jun 2021 10:36 AM | Anonymous member

    Low-tide Cruise to Blakely Rock - by Andy Bereson

    The weather was not promising. Nonetheless, 8 CYC boats braved the conditions and, with a little flexibility, were rewarded with great company, good food, and a beautiful day on “the Rock”.

    Second Sun and Anakeena arrived in Blakely Harbor on Friday evening around six pm. Second Sun set her anchor and Anakeena came alongside. The rain held off and this was a great opportunity for Kate and I to make new friends with Bill and Debbie tied alongside. In the morning, we were joined by Island Mist (Tom and Cary) and Solstice (Peg and Ron) who each dropped anchors in opposite directions and joined the growing raft.

    Noting the fabulously clear weather and aware of a forecast for solid rain on Sunday the group decided to adjust plans (according to Andy and Kate of Second Sun, “Plan” is a four letter word) and head to Blakely Rock for the low tide on Saturday, instead of the planned visit and pot-luck Sunday. We blasted out emails and text messages to other boats planning to join us to alert them to the change in plans. At around 1130 we all hopped in our tenders and headed out to the rock. On our way out, we passed Wind Dancer (Chris and Jennifer) coming in to the harbor and suggested to Chris that he come anchor by Blakely Rock and join us there, which he did.

    On Blakely Rock, Andy and Kate set out a large canopy for shade and the crew spent a couple hours tide-pooling and hanging out in the shade. Among all the usual goodies we found the head of a large salmon, a headless baby seal and a dead octopus. We also found endless sea stars, sea cucumbers, crabs, anemones, and countless other sea creatures. There were some oyster catchers who seemed to be protecting a nest next to the light tower.

    Shortly after we arrived on the rock we saw Mara (Mara, Gregg and Griffin) and Tula (Bob and Margeret) enter the harbor. A short while later, they were joining us out on the Rock. When our two little ones, Nat (10) and Anna (7) saw that the new arrivals included another small person, Griffin (8), the fun went up a few notches. Also joining us on the island was a little speedboat that came for the day with Debbie’s (of Anakeena) two brothers and sister-in-law.

    When the water started to overtake the beach we folded the canopy and headed back to the raft where we were soon joined by Outlaw (Derek and Cindy). The balance of the afternoon was spent socializing in the various cockpits and enjoying an extended happy hour.

    Sunday morning was rainy. Outlaw, Mara and Tula departed late morning. After they took off the rain gave a pause and the remaining crew gathered on Island Mist for a pot-luck brunch. First Wind Dancer and then Second Sun departed after brunch. The rain came again, slowly at first, and then picking up as we motored the windless sound back to Shilshole. Though the sunshine was of the damp sort much of the weekend, the sunny day on Blakely Rock and all the great company made the weekend cruise most delightful.

  • 3 May 2021 4:49 PM | Anonymous member

    Seven CYC boats cruised to Langley May 1st and 2nd.  Four boats met at Meadow Point Saturday morning at 9 AM, to sail down wind towards Edmonds.  It was fun to watch all the boats racing past us flying spinnakers on their way to Possession Point.  When the breeze went down, and our flotilla began motor sailing, we caught up to the racers again.  We had some drizzle entering Possession Sound, and then the sun came out as we tied up inside the big breakwater at Langley.  Some crews walked up to the town for some afternoon pizza, and ice cream, while watching Orcas from the bluff.  As everyone already had their Covid vaccinations, we gathered for conversation at a picnic table by the beach before dinner.  The restaurants in town were fully booked while operating at 50% capacity in the current phase of the pandemic, so we ate on our own boats Saturday evening.  Sunday morning we awoke to beautiful sunshine and light air.  After talking on the dock after breakfast, we began to depart for home around 11 AM, riding a big ebb tide back down Possession Sound, and enjoying a glorious sunny day and glassy smooth water!  The boats were:  Wind Dancer - Chris and Jennifer, Charlotte - Al and Jane, Rissa - Mike McGuane, Vinca - Joel, Gail, Lily and a friend, Shadowfax - David and Kathleen,  Serendipity - Al and Cyndi, Strange Attractor - Jeremy and Jerda.

    Our next CYC cruise is on Memorial Day weekend anchoring in Mystery Bay on Marrowstone Island.

Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle
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